A Craddock is born
by Ada Morris -
<< backMy earliest memory is of the night my brother Dan was born. I was five but it is still very vivid in my mind.
We lived in a big house located near what is now the Chickasha Lake area. Grandma Ada Craddock lived in one side of the house with Leonard. My parents, me and sibling brothers lived in the other side. It was night time but early night. Aunt Fay Craddock Finley came over and this I’m not sure of but I believe she brought her children, especially the girls, Sue and Rosalee. She took all of the children over to Grandma’s part of the house and kept us entertained. We played games and sang songs, one in particular was “Up on the Housetop” since Christmas was not that far past, only about 3 weeks as Dan was born January 12. The songs were to ward off worry and drown out the sounds from the other side of the house.
Soon we heard the announcement that we had a baby brother! No surprise to any of us since Mom had already given birth to 6 boys and only 1 girl, moi. Next Aunt Fay came around with a paper and pen and asked each of us to pick out a name to be drawn for the new baby boy. Being only 5 I couldn’t think of a name so Aunt Fay said “George , or anything “ , of course I said George. As I think back I believe that name was not actually submitted but Aunt Fay had this way of including everyone and making them feel as important as the next person so she went through the motions. If she did actually include the name in the drawing I’m glad it wasn’t the one drawn, George just does not fit my brother Dan. I don’t know who submitted the winning name, but I will always remember the night.