Ramblin' Roses Vol.1 Issue 2

by Ada Morris -
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Ok now we’re getting somewhere! The October meeting of the Roses took place at Samie’s home north of Anadarko. Samie hosted this occasion and made 83 egg rolls but one of them had to be discarded due to non-compliance, it unrolled.

The men folk were invited to this meeting and all in attendance were Ansel Craddock Finley, Sue Ann Upchurch, and Clifford Nath all of Anadarko, Lonnie and Betty Craddock, Dan and BJ Craddock, all of Ft. Cobb, Martha Craddock, friend David and daughter Jacqueline, of Lookeba, David and Gay Craddock of Lake Panasoffkee, Fl., Viola Craddock of Apache, Ada Morris and Debbie Craddock of Binger and of course Larry and Samie Craddock who hosted the meeting for a total of 17, 10 lovely Roses and 7 thorns. Ha ha ha, please let me say that, it just popped into my head and I couldn’t resist. Actually we loved having the menfolk there. We all had a very good time.

Debbie and I arrived early so Debbie could deep fry the prepared egg rolls, Soon everyone arrived with their goodies and we had so much good food. Before we ate, everyone joined hands and prayed for Heidi, she was in the midst of open heart surgery at OU med center in OKC. I might add the surgery was successful as planned and she is doing well.

After the meal and everyone was thoroughly stuffed we decided to play some Pitch. David brought the trophy that he had won last year just in case we decided to have the tournament. We discussed it and came so close but Larry thought we should wait for Erik, Joe and others that might want to play. We will appoint another day for our yearly Pitch Tournament. It will need to be soon before David and Gay leave. We had a good time playing cards and some of the musicians got their instruments and voices out and did some pickin and singin. Larry kept his slideshow of family portraits goin on the tv. A thoroughly enjoyable day. As we were leaving, Debbie drew up some blueprints for Larry’s fireplace, ha. Some things need to be left to the imagination.

Looking forward to the meeting in November, BJ is going to host that one. Wonder what she will come up with?